
At the beginning of a new term, it is always good to revisit the expectations you made the term before. Some may have become routine, some may have to be lifted as the previous ones have been achieved and new behaviours may have emerged with expectations to go with these.

These expectations come from Chapter 4 of  Positive Behaviour for Learning(PB4L)
Every school needs a consistent, positive approach to addressing behaviour. The PB4L approach is based on the results of research (Alberto & Troutman 2012) This research tells us that:

  • all social behaviour both appropriate & inappropriate is learned
  • students do not learn better ways of behaving through punitive consequences.
  • to learn better ways of behaving, students must be taught replacement behaviours.
  • to retain new behaviours, students must be given specific, positive feedback & opportunities to practise in a variety of school settings.
Checklist for promoting positive behaviours:



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